Our Story

Our Journey: Two Sisters, One Mission

Welcome to Earthie By Nature, founded by sisters in October 2023, our journey began from a shared desire to find skincare solutions that not only cleanse, exfoliate and nourish our skin but also aligned with our values of cruelty-free practices.

Like you, we've faced the struggles of skincare products loaded with harsh chemicals and tested on animals. So, we decided to shake things up! We set out on a mission to whip up skincare goodies made with vegan ingredients.

We started experimenting in our kitchen in 2021, creating body care products using plant-based ingredients like nourishing shea butter, soothing coconut oil, refreshing cucumber, and so much more. What began as a fun, personal project quickly turned into something bigger when our family and friends couldn't get enough of our creations. Their excitement and support inspired us to share our products with a wider community.

Today, we're proud to offer a range of vegan, cruelty-free body care products that gives you a peace of mind. You can 100% trust that no animals were harmed in the making of our products!

Join us on this journey towards a more compassionate and healthier world. Together, we can make a difference—one product at a time.

If you have any questions, contact us below!

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